Charity P
Charity Prager, HHP is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified BioScan Technician.
Her passion for health and helping others in their health journey started many years ago when she began learning the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and incorporating that in daily life.
Through her own health struggles of skin, endocrine (hormone, thyroid, adrenal) imbalances, chronic fatigue, and intensive bacteria she realized the importance of incorporating supportive measures to help the body optimize at it's full potential. Charity strives to help others in guiding them in what they can do for their health in uncovering the root issues in the body and help them get on a path to health and wellness.
Thrive runs on a Christian foundation striving to help one person at a time. We strive to look at the person as a whole physically, spiritually, and mentally empathizing on the importance of nutrition, exercise, aromatherapy, homeopathy, and Christianity.
RaeAnn S
RaeAnn Stehofsky graduated in 2012 with her Bachelors Of Science In Nursing, Research, Leadership, and a minor in Business Management. Rae Ann has a passion for helping all people. Having a profound empathy towards others she believes the gift of life is to love others as one loves thy self.
In 1990 when RaeAnn was 9 yrs old she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma (very rare) type of cancer. She went through extensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments that made her very sick. In 1990 her parents almost lost RaeAnn twice during her battle with Hodgkins. RaeAnn believes that it was only through the grace of God that she won her battle with cancer and is here to speak about it today! She believes that to understand something with such significance one has to experience it.